1.And it seemed on the road to some sort of a decent life -- a happy ending to a story involving wise improvisation from a wise judge.
2.The heritage from his father is enough to give him a rich and decent life.
3.We do not always lead to hand clothing, rice mouths of a decent life.
4.The police were both surprised and amused at hearing that the thief's motive was looking for a decent life.
5.Nick Stevens had a decent life as a comedian in New York , supporting himself with acting and writing gigs on TV and radio .
6.They rushed past our alien group back into their grey struggle for at least a decent life.
7.I am not at all sure I want to go on with this, because my belief and my love have sustained me and helped me to lead a decent life.
8.Tsvangirai said people want jobs, food and a decent life, and that the current economic chaos was caused by bad government.
9.Thus he can earn enough money to keep a decent life for his wife and child, and also set a good example for his child.
10.Space programs won't provide these basic essentials of a decent life.